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Advocacy Outreach
200 Depot Street,
P. O. Box 169, Elgin,
Texas 78621

Phone 512 281-4180
FAX 512 281-9599







Eldercare Fan Drive, Staying cool and keeping warm

    Family Eldercare sponsors an annual Fan Drive to raise funds to buy window and table fans for families who lack air-conditioned homes. Low-income Texans, and particularly older folks, may forgo air-conditioning because they don’t have it or can’t afford to pay the electric bill to run it. Every year, stories appear in the paper about elders who die from the heat in their own homes. Family Eldercare addresses this life-or-death issue by supplying fans to organizations in Central Texas that can get them out to those in need. Advocacy Outreach is one of the distribution sites. 

Who is eligible?

    Low income households that lack air-conditioning and have not received a fan from the Eldercare Fan Drive within the prior year.

What documentation is required?

    Proof of income.



    In addition to the annual fan distribution program, Advocacy Outreach raises funds through private donations to buy and distribute space heaters to families who lack adequate heat in their homes.

Who is eligible?

    Low income households that lack heating units and have not received a heater from Advocacy Outreach within the prior year.

What documentation is required?

    Proof of income.

We welcome donations of new fans and new heaters!

Thank you!